Getting views but not engagements?: Top tips for increasing social media engagement

Sep 13, 2023 | Blog, Graphic Design

Are your social media posts getting views but not engagements?

Social media can be a struggle for small businesses, and a common issue is that your posts are getting plenty of views, but very little engagement. Engagement on your posts is great for expanding your audience and getting your posts out to more people, as well as making connections with your current audience.

Our top tips for increasing social media engagement

If you’re struggling to gain likes, comments, shares, and clicks on your social media posts, these top tips are for you. Stop getting views but not engagements when you use our hacks for increasing social media engagement.

Offer valuable content

Whether it’s useful information, entertainment, or a chance to win something – your posts should be offering something of value that makes your viewers want to keep on engaging with your page.

When creating your post, ask yourself the following questions to make sure you are offering valuable content:

  • Are my viewers getting anything out of this post?
  • What’s in it for them?

Provide engaging and relatable visuals

Social media users have an extremely short attention span, and you only have around 8.25 seconds to make a great impression. If your viewer isn’t captivated or interested by the image you use in your post, or you aren’t using one, they will quickly scroll on without giving so much as a like.

Make sure you are using high-quality images that feature photography or large text to grab the user’s attention quickly. Creative social media post design can be a great way to stop scrollers in their tracks.

Getting views but not engagements: Top tips for increasing social media engagement

Provide instructions for engagement

If your social media posts are getting views but not engagements it could simply be because you aren’t encouraging users to engage. Making a nice post is great, but there should always be a goal behind it. If your aim is to drive traffic to your website, you should include a link or another easy way to access your platform. If your aim is to encourage users to comment on your post, you could try asking a question or provoking users to chat with each other in the comments. Not featuring a CTA (call to action) could mean missing out on those valuable engagements because users simply don’t know what to do next.

Think about:

  • What are users meant to do after they see my post?
  • What is the business goal behind this post?

Reach your target audience

Picture this: your target audience is males aged 50-85, and you’re on day 6 of your Barbie week posting on your business Facebook page. Can you guess why you might not be getting the engagement you were expecting? A large reason you might be getting views and not engagement on your social media posts is your audience. If the audience viewing your posts isn’t actually interested, why would they engage? Make sure your posts are getting in front of your target audience and you are posting where they are hanging out on Facebook.

Make it shareable

A great way to increase engagement on your Facebook posts is to make them shareable. By this, I don’t mean check out your settings to make sure people can share them – I mean make sure that people want to share them.

Whether you make it funny, useful, or offensive, you should aim to include some shareable content within your social media strategy.

Build a community

Does your audience feel like they know you and have a connection with you?

This can often be overlooked on Facebook, but the reality is that Facebook was built to connect with friends first, and businesses second. There are multiple ways you can create community within your Facebook page, from inviting friends and family to like and engage with your page to replying to comments you receive on your post.

People like to feel a personal connection with a business and it’s a great way to ensure future engagement and maybe even a purchase.


Increase your social media engagement with these top tips:

  1. Offer valuable content
  2. Provide engaging and relatable visuals
  3. Reach your target audience
  4. Make it shareable
  5. Build a community

Ocean Pixel Studios is a design studio that specialises in web design, graphic design, and branding. We create unique and creative websites that convert your visitors into customers.

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